We don’t mean to pressure you, but the clock is counting down to when you need to be in compliance with CA SB 553

Is your organization ready for California Senate Bill 553? Will your program be in place by the July 1st, 2024 deadline? Did you know other states are considering similar bills? We can help you assess your current workplace violence prevention program or build out a program so you’ll be compliant before the deadline.

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In September 2023, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill No. 553 (“SB 553”), a first-of-its-kind workplace violence prevention law, which requires nearly all California employers to create, adopt, and implement Workplace Violence Prevention Plans prior to July 1, 2024. The goal of SB 553 is ‘To create a safe and secure work environment, promote employee well-being, and protect an organization’s assets and reputation.’

These plans must be in writing and easily accessible by employees. Further, the law outlines specific components required in addition to the Workplace Violence Prevention Plans, including annual workplace violence prevention training, violent incident logs, and the creation and retention of records regarding every incident, post-incident, response, and workplace violation injury investigation.

“Workplace violence” is defined broadly as any act of violence or threat of violence that occurs in a place of employment. This includes, as expected, verbal and written threats of violence and incidents involving the use of firearms or dangerous weapons regardless of whether an employee sustains an injury. However, the definition also captures acts such as a threat that results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, psychological trauma, or stress, regardless of whether the employee sustains an injury. 

Given the extensive and detailed requirements under California Labor Code section 6401.9, employers in California must ensure they have a compliant workplace violence prevention plan in place before July 1st. 

Don’t know where to begin? Risk Resiliency has developed a checklist to help your organization in its journey to compliance. See below to download resources that explore the requirements and best practices of a Workplace Violence Prevention Program. 

We’re here for you. Risk Resiliency has worked with organizations just like yours to ensure they’re not just in compliance but taking responsibility to protect their employees and the longevity of their business. We can get you there, too. 

Workplace Violence Program Resources